Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Earth is not for Sissies - and YES, you volunteered to be here!

We thought it would be a breeze because it looked so easy until we got here. Then we’re born, have to grow up a body, learn to take care of it, be responsible in so many ways without forgetting our goals by the time we finally achieve some independence. And not get distracted with power, desires, status, possessions, etc.

It makes you wonder how many of us get back over to the other side and say, “Sheesh, I didn’t get half the things done that I planned!” And that’s OK; there are no deadlines –we get another opportunity, here or somewhere else, to figure out what we need to learn. After all, we are eternal – you don’t really expect to just sit on a cloud forever, do you? Can you believe some people don’t give a moment’s thought about what they’ll be doing after this!

Wherever else we want to go for our next mission / lesson / adventure, we have to qualify, just as we had to qualify to come here. This is the densest of matter through which to push energy, so anyone that makes it to Earth has to have achieved a substantial degree of spiritual accomplishment. A relatively high degree, in fact, to have gotten an admission ticket to one of the greatest adventures of all time. Gazillions of beings in the ethers are gathered just to watch the goings on – but you and I, we’re here at ground zero!

Sure, some of us have forgotten the vision, while others of us soar – and the higher a person can soar, the higher the number of forgetful ones s/he can pull up to help with raising mass consciousness.

We pull our frightened, confused, and amnesic brethren up with us because we remember that we came in on the same team. ALL SUPERSTARS JUST TO GET HERE! And when they remember, they will thank us. And we will thank those who pulled us up.

Joanne Gartner, PhD
Mesa, AZ office or Skype

(c) 2018 Soul Liberations LLC dba LIFTd Energy

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Did you begin care-giving for a parent at an early age? You may have paid a price

Children cannot separate their parents’ difficulties from themselves, and in wanting to help they often create emotional responsibility that interferes with their own emotional growth. While everyone has small degrees of this, there are some children and especially empaths who have a harder path because of it.

Perhaps your mother suffered from a miscarriage when you were still a toddler yourself, and there you began taking on the task of making her happy. Perhaps you had an alcoholic parent and realized before it was even a logical thought that you were more responsible, and there you began feeling you needed to be the adult.

Perhaps you grew up in a home with domestic abuse, and there you began to diffuse and distract the dynamic escalation of those events. Worse still, if you had a martyr parent, then anything you did for yourself was viewed as wounding and so you were left with guilt at any attempt to become independent.

First, regarding the martyr parent above, give yourself a break if you feel you didn't succeed because it was an impossible task. That kind of person will always hop across another fence to put you in the wrong. Know that 17% of people have a narcissistic personality disorder, and there is no way you can fill the abyss of that kind of emotional deficit. In fact, more than a small dose of love is intolerable to a narcissist -- love feels like poison to a toxic person. (Christiane Northrup, M.D)

Second, consider the price you may have paid was a shutting down of taking of yourself. A child who takes on the role of care-giving for a parent largely abandons their own emotional needs. Even if the other parent did as much as possible for you, to some degree there may be a wall around your heart today from not having the emotional freedom that would have been more natural with two emotionally healthy parents. You may not even realize such a wall is there, limiting your ability to engage with others – in my case, I only began to truly see mine after several years of personal work.

In the greater picture, I encourage you to also realize that while you may not have received the love you wanted, you likely received the love you needed to develop the strengths you have today.

Opening a heart wall is frightening because of the vulnerability it brings, but when you're ready it promotes more authenticity, self-acceptance, and emotional resilience. It is important to remember that each of is a work in progress and we don't have to do it all at once.

Joanne Gartner, PhD

(c) 2018 Soul Liberations LLC

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Of Course You've Got Questions - There are 3 Treasure Chests Inside You that Hold the Answers!

There are things you want to know about yourself, your habits, particular people you carry energy for (positive and negative), your family, the ups and downs of your life, special gifts, purpose, etc. The answers will often surprise you with their simplicity and help everything make more sense.

Why do so many healing stories involve information about past lives? Because we carry emotions from experiences that we have not faced and dealt with. They often stay buried below our awareness, influencing our subconscious thinking, until we release them by honoring their story. This does not mean re-living difficulty or trauma, just acknowledging its contribution to our growth.

Once we know the why about something, we can create a better how to deal with it. There are 3 primary places to look within yourself for information, answers, and yes - even solutions! I call these treasure chests because the wealth they offer is knowledge about what makes you tick, which – like money – you can parlay for greater gain.

Beliefs you developed as far back as infancy and childhood.
      These can be any event that left a strong emotional impact – last year’s vacation, a painful loss, an elementary school embarrassment, or realization in the womb that the family you were coming into is not all love and light. The vast majority of our subconscious limitations go back to our first seven years when we were not logically able to analyze and understand the things that happened to us. You’d be surprised to know how many of the people around you that exude confidence actually feel underneath not-good-enough or not-lovable. No one is without their share of “stuff.” Do what you need to do to shake the past, so you can stand in your light on the inside and the outside!

      Beliefs you brought with you into this life.

This means other times you have lived that have an energetic influence on the life you are living here and now, and especially on relationships. You’ve read numerous of those stories in other newsletters. Strong energy, both positive and negative carries over. That’s why so many spiritual paths advocate reducing attachment to emotions. Feelings, yes – they are more ephemeral, whereas emotions stick. And stick. And stick.

Even on the positive side, so I wouldn’t call it a wound per se but certainly an example of a carry-over – an energetic residue. Many people have mistakenly married because they had a deep energetic recognition of each other, thinking it meant they were supposed to be together, when it simply meant their souls are close friends. Tricky, that falling in love business; love is real but it’s not all romantic. I guess we have Hollywood to thank for confusing us on that front…

Beliefs that are family patterns you inherited, not originating from your personal experience, which no one in your bloodline has resolved.

While this certainly explains any number of health weaknesses, I’ve also had several women clients who seriously struggled with an internal conflict over whether or not they had to follow the path of having their own children. It was more than a family expectation, because it would manifest as a recurring first-chakra  block as I cleared other energy centers. Usually I could determine the number of generations that she had lived with that belief as an outright survival issue. And although it likely made sense in the past, there is no need to be burdened with it as an unwanted assumption in today’s society which allows women to be independent and self-sufficient.

With energy work and light hypnosis you can investigate any of these treasure chests.

Joanne Gartner, PhD
Mesa, AZ office or Skype

(c) 2018 Soul Liberations LLC dba LIFTd Energy

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Manifesting 101: Two Fundamental Pre-Requisites to Successful Visualization

If you don't already know these, you're behind the curve and if you cannot overcome them, you're wasting time thinking your emotional intent has real power 

With 90% of our thoughts being the same day to day, recreating the same feelings and behaviors  over and over, we feel uncomfortable with changes - even when what we are familiar with is exactly what we want to get away from! Do you realize it takes more effort to hold onto negative memories than to let them go? But I've had clients that are too uncomfortable withOUT their anger or anxiety to let themselves get used to feeling better.

Ya gotta realize that to BE different is going to FEEL different, no way around it! Just like getting used to new shoes, or a new car, or a new house. So the first step toward creating change is being willing to weather the initial discomfort of it, whether that's dropping the crutch of a substance or of the familiarity with who you've been. Being who’ve you’ve been has created the life you have – allow yourself to become someone different. 

The second step is to get over thinking you're right – again, a habit that’s actually more work to hold onto than to let go. Check this out: everybody thinks they're right, so there's really NO SUCH THING! How many people have gone to their graves waiting for an apology they never received because they were so stuck on their own point of view? Fundamental rule of personal development:  you can be right or you can be happy.

What makes this one tricky is that it’s often unclear if we’ve really released a grudge or we’re just burying it. In our conscious self-talk it’s easy to say we don’t feel wronged or victimized, but we cannot fool our subconscious. Overcoming feeling we’re right usually happens in three stages:

1.      Acceptance – whatever it is, it happened, there’s no point in wishing it hadn’t.
2.      Letting go – disconnecting from the feelings so it can be a memory without emotion.
3.      Forgiveness – yep, for anyone else AND for yourself; that’s when you’re truly free.

If you won’t accept the initial unfamiliarity of being out of your comfort zone, and you won’t give up believing you’re more right than someone else, then your visualizations for a better situation do not have the emotional energy to align with real change. It’s like pressing the accelerator when the car is still in neutral.

If you’re one of those people always saying, “Yeah, but…” to every new suggestion or opportunity, then which one of these steps is your fundamental challenge – are you addicted to what’s familiar or to being right?


Joanne Gartner, PhD
Mesa, AZ office or Skype

(c) 2018 Soul Liberations LLC