Thursday, May 31, 2018

3 Ways to Create Stillness in 5 Minutes

For a quick disconnect from your daily routine, 
try any of these or all three!


Sit, preferably outside, with no friends, phones, computers, etc., and notice everything around you as if you were simply a molecule of air, as if nothing had anything to do with you. I do it as if I’m from another planet and am just curious to see what’s here!

Notice what is around you, just as it is, without any judgment of what you EXPECT to be there, what you WANT to be there, what you think SHOULD be there. Without any ideas of adding or taking away – just be present with what is. 

Let yourself see, hear, smell, notice what’s around you and appreciate it simply for what it is. Without a thought of what things mean, no need to understand them, just observe what’s there. Notice you can be there and realize you are separate from it, not identified with it.


You can feel that your body is alive. Without moving, put your attention on a random spot like your right elbow – let your awareness rest there awhile, observing what it is like to notice the sensation in a place you may not have thought about often. 

Next, say, give a few moments to your left middle toe. After that, maybe behind your right knee. Then the hollow of your neck just above your sternum. (Each time you do this, choose different places.) Now try doing this with places INSIDE your body.

You can put your attention anywhere you like, and become aware of places you had largely been unaware of until you made the effort. Notice your awareness can be in your body and at the same time separate and independent from it, not identified with it.


You can be aware of your mind and your thoughts and be separate from them, too. You can observe the mental world like you can observe the physical world, without being dragged around by your thinking.

You can have the same separateness from your thoughts that you had when you noticed your middle toe. Seek the awareness of yourself that is independent of thinking as if you are watching your thoughts go by like cars on the street. Just observe them.

Notice you can find the moment of no-thought between thoughts. There is a YOU beyond your busy mind. This is, as Eckhart Tolle says, becoming conscious of being conscious.

And for a serious upgrade in your awareness, check out LIFTd Leap.

Joanne Gartner, PhD

Mesa, AZ office or Skype

(c) 2018 Soul Liberations LLC dba LIFTd Energy