Living the life your soul intended isn't really about having a particular job or however-much money in the bank or even that special relationship because, while those things are wonderful comforts, they are likely to change over time and as you grow into more awareness and consciousness -- our soul actually deals with things deeper than that.
More significant signs of being in spiritual alignment are:
- You discern your own path from everyone else’s.
- You let go of old wounds and failed relationships.
- You read signs along the way that point in the most worthwhile direction.
- You have a sacred sense of living the life meant for you.
If you're not living that way then you may, like so many people, be making this one huge, colossal, stupendous, mammoth, humongous, gigantic, monstrous, enormous, massive, jumbo, tremendous, whopping, really BIG mistake: you’re probably Worrying About What Other People Think, which is like putting a bowl over a plant and expecting it to grow well.
You can acknowledge other people’s beliefs, which
is important because mostly what they want is to feel they’ve been heard, and
still choose for yourself what you want to be, do, and have. If they say you’re
disrespecting them because you won’t conform, then whose life are you living?
Are their expectations your expectations?
Make no mistake - we do need to meet other people’s
expectations if we live in their house, accept their money, or allow ourself to
depend on their favor. And we do need to honor obligations that we have
incurred until we can pay them off or conclude them with integrity. But other
people’s approval and good will? That’s their choice to give or withhold. As is
Most likely you’ve already experienced how you
cannot please one person without displeasing another – it usually is a no-win
game. And when the person we are displeasing is ourself – well, then our energy
backs up our physical and emotional health. Look at what “autoimmune” means –
acting against one’s self.
Whose life are you living?
Joanne Gartner, PhD
Mesa, AZ office or Skype
2018 Soul Liberations LLC dba LIFTd Energy
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